Monday 8 August 2011

Diary to self.... when I've finished writing this blog I have to log onto the CES system and send an email out to all the members of Maleny LETS reminding them that the monthly LETS market is on again this Saturday.

I'm the Market Coordinator for Maleny LETS and have been for about 15 months now.  We have our markets at the Neighbourhood Centre, who are also LETS members so the rent is in LETS currency (in Maleny the currency is called "Bunyas"). 

The market starts at 9.00am and generally lasts until early afternoon - LETS members come together to trade with each other - often we get members of other LETS systems come along also.  We usually have food and drinks, produce, books, jams, chutneys, massage, recycled and upcycled clothes, readings, plants, bric a brac, cds, dvds, haircuts etc etc.

We never know until the day who is going to be there but there will definitely be lattes, cappuccinos, hot chocolate, chai latte, various teas, spinach and feta rolls, curried vege triangles, cakes and bikkies from the kitchen this weekend!!!

How do I know that for certain???

Because Gary and I are the ones that do it!!!  We sell food and drinks at the Maleny LETS market in order to raise LETS points to pay for our work in raising awareness of various social justice issues.

LETS markets (sometimes called "trading days") are often held by LETS systems - it's a great way of bringing members together to connect socially and trade with each other.  If you belong to a LETS system but haven't really ever gotten into it then a great way to get it going is to go along to the market/trading days.... you get to meet the other members - they get to meet you and it can often turn out that you meet someone who is looking for something you offer but just hadn't gotten around to checking the CES system for it....

Try it.... if you're anywhere near Maleny on the 2nd Saturday of each month pop in to the Neighbourhood Centre in Bicentenary Lane and introduce yourself to me....

If you tell me that you're there because you've read my blog your coffee is on me!!!

'til next time....

1 comment:

Shivanii said...

is there a Maleny LETS market between 21st Sep and 6th October? If so, I'll be there, and it will be because I read your blog!!! Shivanii